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Root the stick

Connect the SFP adapter to the TTL adapter according to the following diagram:

USB TTL (UART) Adapter wire colour in picture SFP 20pins Molex connector
3.3V red 3.3 (pin #15 and #16)
TX green RX (pin #2)
RX blue TX (pin #7)
GND black GND (pin #14)
Example of how the molex SFP - TTL connection should look like
Example of how the molex SFP - TTL connection should look like
Example of how the SFP - molex SFP connection should look like
Example of how the SFP - molex SFP connection should look like

Connect the TTL adapter to the computer, once done press the following button. A window will open that will execute the root.

Connect to the stick via SSH

After this is done, reboot the stick, after connecting it to the router via an ethernet mediaconverter or directly plug it in an SFP port, with the portā€™s IP set to whatever IP of the subnet (the stick has the IP

Run the terminal and login to the stick with ssh

ssh root@

The password is admin123.

TX Fault / Serial

The stick stays in a perpetual ā€œTX Faultā€ state since the same SFP pin is used for both serial and TX Fault signaling, if that causes you issues (normally it shouldnā€™t) you can issue the commands below to disable it. Note that it will disable both the TX Fault signal and Serial on the stick after boot.

fw_setenv asc0 1
fw_setenv preboot "gpio set 3;gpio input 100;gpio input 105;gpio input 106;gpio input 107;gpio input 108"

In case you need to re-enable it issue the following commands from the bootloader (FALCON)

FALCON => setenv asc0 0
FALCON => saveenv

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